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Asbestos Abatement Works

Asbestos Surveys

G2 Environmental carries out both Asbestos Management and Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolish Surveys. These comply with the legal requirements and HSE Guidance given in HSG264 so enabling our clients to full-fill their responsibilities in identifying and managing the risks from asbestos in non-domestic properties under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012).


Our Asbestos Surveyors have extensive and wide ranging experience in the identification of all types of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) and their likely locations within a wide range of different types of built environment. 

Once the types, location and extent of the ACMs are identified, then G2 produces a written Asbestos Survey Report  which clearly outlines the risks associated with each type of ACM identified, their extent and location within the premises. These reports are written in such a way as to be useful and practical working documents for all client duty holders in order that they can make decisions on the management or potential removal of the ACMs identified.

Asbestos Removal

G2 Environmental is an Asbestos Removal Contractor licensed by HSENI. As such, the company is closely regulated, receives regular onsite inspections and undergoes re-licensing evaluation every 3 years.


G2 Environmental has many years of practical experience of all types of Asbestos Abatement Works in a full range of different sites and situations. Site specific Method Statements and Plans of Work are produced for every licensable contract and these give a detailed description of specified works, how these works are to be carried out, the methods of work and the control measures to be employed during the works. All the specific Health and Safety arrangements peculiar to a contact are evaluated to ensure that all non-asbestos hazards are also taken into account.


All Asbestos Abatement Works by G2 Environmental are carried out by our own direct labor workforce who all receive third party accredited Health and Safety training relevant to their job roles. In addition all operatives and supervisors undergo by annual medical examination by a HSENI approved doctor.


G2 Environmental will always act with integrity and endeavour to design methods of work in line with best practice to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all of our employees, clients and the general public.

Asbestos Waste Disposal

G2 Environmental is a registered carrier with the Department Of Agriculture, Environment And Rural Affairs for transporting Hazardous waste, which includes asbestos containing materials (ACM's). All ACM's must be transported under 3 day pre-notified Environment Agency DA Consignment Note to a transfer station or disposal facility licensed to accept asbestos waste.


G2 can advise on legal compliance issues and the requirements for packaging, movement and final disposal of ACM's.

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